Bird genealogy >> Order Pelecaniformes >> Family Threskiornithidae
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Fogg Dam, Kakadu National Park


Make Nikon D1X
Lens Nikkor AF VR 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6D   at 600 mm
Exposure 1/45 s, f/13.0, ISO not available 
Image size 800 x 533 pixels

IOC Names

Deutsch  Australischer Ibis Dutch  Australische Witte Ibis
Italian  Ibis bianco australiano Spanish  Ibis Moluqueño


At right an Australian White Ibis has its neck, breast and belly stained brown from the mud and swamp water in which it feeds. Four Royal Spoonbills (at left) and a Pied heron (center) are present too.


  All photos are copyright protected. No use without express consent. Authors are grateful for comments.

Australian White Ibis
Threskiornis moluccus
Ibis à cou noir

Jean-Michel PAULUS